
Johnny YesNo Redux (2 DVDs + 2 CDs)

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Mute announce the eagerly awaited release of the Johnny YesNo - Redux box set. Featuring the original 1982 classic slice of Sheffield Film Noir, Johnny YesNo alongside a new re-imagining of the film plus 140 minutes of bonus material and 2 CDs including exclusive Cabaret Voltaire tracks and new Cabaret Voltaire mixes for the film by Richard H. Kirk. Directed by fledgling director Peter Care with a cast of unknown actors Johnny YesNo, originally released on Cabaret Voltaire`s video label, Double Vision, became an instant cult hit on the independent film circuit helped in no small part by its hallucinatory soundtrack by electronic pioneers Cabaret Voltaire. Johnny YesNo - Redux reunites Cabaret Voltaire and Peter Care almost 30 years later with a completely new cast, a relocation to LA and an entirely new soundtrack remixed by Richard H. Kirk, the film has lost none of its hallucinatory power.

01. Johnny Yesno
02. Johnny Version
03. Hallucination Sequence
04. Invocation
05. Loosen the Clamp
06. Yashar
07. Doublevision Signature

01. Johnny Yesno Redux
02. Cab Ride/Flashbacks
03. Invocation/Journey
04. Loosen The Clamp (Redone)
05. Redux Re-Edit
06. Empty Room
07. (Partially) Deleted Scenes
08. Go Go Dancer
09. The Aluisi Treatment Pt. 1
10. The Aluisi Treatment Pt. 2
11. I Found A Wall
12. News From Nowhere
13. Premonition
14. Loosen the Clamp (Red-Out)
15. Invocation/Waves
16. Yashar Redacted
17. Cab Ride/Parallel Worlds/Credit Sequence

01. Premonition (Remix)
02. News From Nowhere (Remix)
03. Yashar - Insurgent Mix (Remix)
04. If The Shadows Could March (Remix)
05. Loosen The Clamp 2
06. Invocation (Remix)
07. Partially Submerged (Remix)
08. Hallucination Sequence (Remix)
09. Invocation 2 (Remix)
10. The Quarry 2 (Remix)

01. Taxi Music 1 (Remix)
02. Taxi Music 2 (Remix)
03. Premonition 2 (Remix)
04. Hallucination Sequence 2 (Remix)
05. The Quarry (Remix)
06. Partially Submerged 2 (Remix)
07. If The Shadows Could March?
08. Loosen The Clamp (Remix)
09. Taxi Music 3 (Remix)
10. Invocation 4 (Remix)


Interpreten Cabaret Voltaire
Genre Electronica, Electro, Ambient
Techno, Trance
Inhalt 2 DVDs + 2 CDs
Altersfreigabe ab 15 Jahren
Erscheinungsdatum 18.11.2011
Ton Englisch
Ländercode 0



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